Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Cove.

          The Cove is a heartbreaking documentury that was the first to win an Oscar award.  In Japan there are over thousands of dolphins murdered every year for people to eat. This mass slaughter is inhuman and heartwrenching. Thousands of dolphins, including calves, are gathered up into a cove by nets and then stabbed to death by spears. Mother dolphins hear hoplessly as their calves cry out in pain. The water quickly turns red, and can be seen from miles away. Japanies people were intervied and shown videos of this slaughter, most of them were shocked to see this is how their dolphin meat was being handled. Many people are now in protest of this act. To make matters worse these dolphins have LARGE amounts of mercury in them. A Japanise congress man was working towards getting these protests shut down and Richer O'Barry's team out of Japan, when his hair was tested for mercury poising it came back postive. He shut up quickly after that. Pollution has a huge impact on everyone around the world, and is truly a huge issue.

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