Thursday, December 13, 2012

Health Care Reform Will Help Job Growth

Many people criticize Health Care Reform for having a negative affect on the economy. Yet there criticisms are false. The Health Care Reform passed by Barack Obama not only will help many people afford healthcare, but it also will create jobs.
The job growth of Health Care is a side affect of the bill.  According to the article. it is likely that the enactment of the current bill will lead to the creation of 250,000-400,000 jobs each year in the United States within the next decade. These jobs would result from the decreased health care costs for employers and the lowered health insurance premiums that would result from the passage of the reform act. An important way to create jobs is to slow the growth of medical spending. If health care cost increases slow down, then businesses will expand employment, and workers will more readily move into those new jobs.
Overall the implentation of healthcare is a smart idea to preserve both the health of the people and create jobs throughout the country.

Health Care Reform Will Create New Jobs (Gale Opposing Viewpoints)

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