Consumption Isn't The Answer...
Today, as we sit in our Priuses and SUV's and drink our venti lattes, we are not really helping the environment. But, what we are doing is investing, which is a little more important at this point.
Think about Africa. Everyone is worrying about how there isn't really any money to buy food for the starving people, but what they don't realize is that investing is more important in this case. If they only consume, then there will be less and less for each generation to survive.
So even though the environment is very important to people, you have to think about the long-run; so invest.
" long as we are investing enough in the future to ensure that generations to come enjoy standards of living at least as high as ours. And that suggests that we might be worrying way too much about how much we consume and far too little about how to invest in the poorest regions of the world, many of which are home to some of the earth’s greatest biodiversity as well as its most desperate people" Jon Christensen sates. He means that we can't really worry so much about how we consume things, we have to do it well(invest) in order to keep our economy alive.
My question for the readers, should we still worry more about our environment?
-Authority: Jon Christensen
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