Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ron Paul: The Gold Standard

Henry Ford once said, “It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

If our money was backed by gold, people couldn't just start to create new money. They would have to  trade with someone else that actually has gold with them. Essentially, they would have to  to find a suitable spot to build a gold mine, then actually do some work and dig up the gold. 
"Not something I can imagine our “money elves” at the Fed getting down to whenever they feel like playing God with the economy." - Ron Paul

There is one answer to America's inflation problem, and that is too stop making money from nothing. But we’re already so stuck, that the one way to really effect our money supply is to higher interest rates so that people pay back their loans quicker and borrow less money from the banks, which would essentially lower the amount of money in the country. 
"However, higher interest rates might very well crash the economy. So the Fed’s current “solution” to overcoming inflation is… creating even more of it." - Ron Paul

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