Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Obama-good or bad?

Obama isn't so bad after all...


I've had my thoughts about Obama, and they weren't necessarily good ones.  But that's because I only listened to the Republican-thoughts of my beloved mother and step-dad.

We're all influenced differently; some, not at all.

After reading everything he has had to say about what he will do to help the environment and economy, there's no way you can hate this guy.  I don't want to turn this into a political debate here, but I'm stating my personal opinion because of what he is saying he'll do.  "The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Interior alone oversee nearly $11 billion in Recovery Act funding for projects that vary from green job training to marine habitat restoration to water quality improvements.  These investments are supporting technological advances in science and health and improving environmental protection and infrastructure that will provide long-term economic benefits for Americans."  This was stated on the White House website, so it obviously isn't a joke.  His strategies are much needed at this point, because we are basically in the gutter with our economy.

My question for the readers, will Obama help or hurt our environment and economy?

SOURCE: http://www.whitehouse.gov/energy/our-environment
-Authority: President Barack Obama

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