Friday, October 26, 2012

Recession vs the world

The US recession is the worst economic downfall in America that we've seen in recent history. This recession being the worst since World War II. The US isn't the only nation to feel the downfall, it seems like all across the world the recession has impacted various markets and nations. Since 2008 personal income and employment continue to be on the decline and most people demand a change. But what impact does one nation's economic problems have to do to the rest of the world?

Ever since 2008, after the US started declining in employment and personal income, fifteen other countries including Great Britain and Japan started having the same problem and are driven into a recession. With less personal income US investors find it harder and more unstable to invest some money into developing nations such as India, and because of this the WTO noted that since the Recession(s) have started, the global trade growth has decresed from 5.5 cents to 4.4 cents. Which means countries around the world isn't selling merchandise to other nations.

Who is to blame for the downfall in personal income?

1 comment:

  1. Good title. Work on making you format more bullet points or very short concise paragraphs because the longer paragraphs no one will want to read. The graph is good maybe try to explain it better.
