Monday, October 22, 2012

Capitalism negative affect in american

Capitalism is far from perfect and when over emphasized can be negative.  Some people believe capitalism has turned American into a consumerist societies by trying to increase the circulation of capital.

As we become a more consumer bases society;

  • confuse needs with wants
  • spend over are mean 
  • "Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns." - Jimmy Carter
This information is from;

This is a quality souse because is an .edu, it was published 22/12/09, so it is a little dated but still relevant 


  1. I think that you should go into more detail about the source in this blog post because it would help explain things more.

  2. Work on making your title more appealing. Also make sure to tell everything about your source so the reader will trust it. And put things in your own words more or explain your topic better because it is confusing.

  3. Aren't these costs small in comparison to the costs of living under another economic government?

  4. I agree that society is becoming more materialistic and superficial due to Capitalism.
