Thursday, October 18, 2012

Are people taxed too high or too low?

The financial crises has made many Americans to be worried about our tax system, and whether taxes are too high or too low. People who think that the taxes are too high think that the costs of the taxes outweigh the benefits of what they get. Due to massive borrowing this year,the federal deficit is expected to run about $1.6 trillion and this guarantees future tax hikes. They also realize the real cost of health care "reform" will start to kick in.  People who think the taxes are too low think differently. They think that we need more services that can be provided with out tax dollars. The US economy continues to be overwhelmed in unemployment. The people think that in order to push up job growth, the government should start a massive public works program funded by taxes on the wealthy and on financial transactions. This economic issue divides many Americans since the two sides are so different.

Opposing Viewpoints, Federal Infrastructure Investment Is Needed To Fuel an Economic Recovery,r:54,s:20,i:294

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