Sunday, October 21, 2012

Green Isn't Mean to Job Growth

The common belief among conservatives that "green" regulations kill jobs is false.  Yes, the unemployment rate is not as low as it should be, but this is not an effect of environmental regulation.  This regulation actually helps the American economy.

1.  New environmental regulation neutrally impacts a good economy.
Instilling a new regulation, such as regulations on air pollution, requires companies to buy equipment to lessen their air pollution. This creates jobs because more people will have to be hired to install things like filters for coal plants.  The jobs lost do to rising costs of good (therefore, lower demand of the good) is cancelled out by the jobs created by the regulation.
2.  Environmental regulations create jobs in a bad economy.
Investments in controlling pollution do not crowd out other investments by raising interest rates since financial capital is not limited in a poor economy.  However, investment projects like those created by environmental regulations are scarce.
The increase in energy costs will most likely not be passed to consumers because businesses do not want to raise prices in a bad economy (and risk losing many customers).  Plus, corporations' profit margins are at "a 45-year high," and according to empirical research, these high margins provide barriers against increases in prices.
The author—Josh Bivens—of this article is a writer for New Scientist.  He is "acting research and policy director at the Economic Policy Institute, a non-partisan think tank based in Washington DC."  Bivens references The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards rule.  The article was published March 28, 2012.

Why do environmental regulations continue to be voted against by conservatives?


  1. They are voted against because alternative energy is to expesive to use. In the economy that we are in, no one is going to pay the ridiculous amount it is to have solar panels installed when it cost's a fraction of that price to use oil and natral gas. All librals want to do is throw money at a problem and hope it gets fixed and it doesnt. To create steady job growth we have to drill domestically and focus on our main use of energy which is fossil fuels. Its to expensixe to get into our energy policy when 80% of our energy is fossil fuels. Dont think im against alternative energy, the situtation that we are in is not a good time to start new energy polices when we dont have the money to do so. So my idea is do something that we are good at which is drill for oil. In north dakota there is an unemployment rate of 3%, the lowest in the country. This is do there massive push towards drilling for oil. If we can adopt the policies that north dakota did then we will see an increas job growth and help us further get out of the the hole that liberals brought us into.

    1. Alternative energy is somewhat expensive because the United States has not taken an initiative to rely on renewable energy sources. This requires more of an investment (subsidies) by the government which is currently being done through investments in Tesla Motors, Inc and other companies. Tesla Motors produces electric cars and the Model S was voted the car of the year by Motor Trend just last week. Building the green energy industry requires money that supplies jobs and the US could get this money by taking subsidies away from giant oil companies like Exxon Mobil. Oil is running out as we continue to consume more than we produce. As this graph shows, ( ) oil discoveries are way down from the 20th century. The American government cannot continue to subsidize an industry that is unsustainable. The US economy will fail if we continue to rely on a very limited resource (isn't gas expensive now, anyway?).

      And liberals didn't put us in this hole, the Bush Administration gave tax breaks for the rich and started two wars...

    2. First of all, the US has 2.4 trillion barrels of oil in the ground. I dont think that will run out of oil very soon. Secondly the reason that gas is so expesive is not due to us running out, but President Obama placing massive tax hikes on oil companies. Why is it ok ot give tax breaks to electric car Companies when they are not even green in the first place. For example, when you have to recharge the battery on a car, you have to use electrity to power that car. Where does that electricity come from? It comes from coal plants. To me, coal plants are not producing green energy. So why are electric car companies getting tax breaks when they are doing the same thing that fossil fuel producers are doing. Beats me, thats why president Obama has been the Worst President the Unted States has seen.

      To respond to you last statement, why are we still seeing negative economic growth. Because i know for sure my parents are not better off than they were 4 years ago. How is it possible to elect a president who has unemployment rates of 8%. Why is that whenever they are posed a question about the economy they blame the bush administration for everything and they dont fix it themselves. To fix the economy you dont keep borrowing trillions of dollars and throwing money at a problem that they know wont fix it. Can you please explain to mee why borrowing so much money will help the economy and how we expect to repay these debts to china.

      About wars, why are we still in a war that Obama proclaimed was so bad. Beats me.

    3. Because i know for a fact that the bush administraion has spent a fraction of what the Obama administraion has spent.

  2. heres are national debt.


  4. If he is so for the american people, why is he imposing a 500 billion tax hike set to be imposed on january 1 of 2013.

    1. 1. To begin, how did you get the number 2.4 trillion? That is such an overestimate. According to the US Energy Information Administration, the Unites States could possibly have 220.2 billion barrels of oil that could be recovered ( But, the amount is a geological guess and includes oil from tar sands and shale (which is very difficult and energy intensive to extract). Plus, the United States currently consumes 19,150,000 bbl/day, the most of any country (including the whole European Union So even if all that oil existed, according to my calculations of current consumption, the US would provide only enough oil for 11499 days (31.5 years=Extremely short term).

      2. "Last year, the three biggest U.S. oil companies took home more than $80 billion in profit, with Exxon Mobil Corp. collecting almost $4.7 million each hour." They made record profits because of high gas prices due to a decline in supply

      3. My dad has an electric car. More than half of Illinois' electricity comes from nuclear power, solar/wind power, and natural gas These are clean sources of energy and much more environmentally friendly than oil. Some electricity is made by coal, but this technology continues to be refined to be a cleaner source of energy (ex. filters and carbon sequestering.

      4. We should not judge a president by "if we are better off in 4 years." We shouldn't just think of ourselves in the last four years; it's selfish, and we should think if the nation is better off as a whole--it is. Plus, isn't that so short term? It's almost like the argument "today we had a record low temperature so climate change must not exist" even if the trend is towards a warming planet. "
      We avoided going through another Great Depression in these 4 years. We have seen job growth for 32 straight months And consider this: how was President Obama supposed to enact legislation to improve the economy (i.e. The American Jobs Act) with the Republican controlled House of Representatives and a Senate where Republicans have filibustered legislation more than 360 times since 2007 (

      Stimulus greatly aided the economy and was money the government needed to spend:

      President Obama was not the one who imposed a fiscal cliff. It was made by Congress' inaction on the debt. The Republicans oppose raising taxes on the rich (did not want to let the Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthy expire), which adds to the debt. The Republicans oppose any cut in the defense budget even when we spend 712.7 billion dollars per year but would cut money from education. This is more than 5 times China's military budget. <--These are the facts about the fiscal cliff.

      Oh, and by the way, President Obama is the smallest government spender.

      I respect Republicans, but I do not value opinions/arguments based on hatred towards a person or party and not the facts.

  5. Im not going to respond to all of these all at once im just going to respond to them at certain times in my day when i have time.
    #4 why is it so selfish to think of ourselves over the past four years. when we have a president we expect to see "change" as he said it and so far i have seen nothing. From what i have seen, i have seen unemployment rates stay at 8 percent, (the highest a president has ever had and gotten reelected) And increased number of people living on food stamps, and And of course President Obamas website is going to show how good we are, his website is extremely biased if you had your own website you wouldnt put negative facts about yourself its common strategy. Take a look at the Us Department of Labor website. ( If you have read in recent news 8 million people across 20 states have signed a petition to Succeed the union. Sound like many people in this country think what president Obama is doing is hurting there lives.

    1. It's selfish because it's closed-minded. If you only look at how you benefited and not millions of other people benefited, you're only seeing the trees and not the forest. For me personally, if the people around me are doing as well off as they could in a recession, then I, too, am better off. We strengthen the country through the whole people. Look at society as a whole in the last four years, how could we have been any better off (with the Republicans in Congress failing to pass any jobs legislation)?
      How are job facts biased? You can find the fact that the recession and huge job losses started in the Bush administration on any organization's website
      Oh, and for the record, Texas has tried to succeed a plethora of times.

  6. #1. we do have 2.4 trillion barrels of recoverable oil in the ground. Many people do not agree with this number because they dont take into account that we have new technology that allows us to drill horizontally rather than just vertically. According to Wikipedia, just in shale deposits, we have 1.4 trillion barrels of recoverable oil. That number doesn't take into account the amount of oil that is just in vast oil deposits all around the Gulf Coasts and in the State of North Dakota which has seen the greatest economic growth of all the states. Dont get me wrong, i am all for alternative energy, but the fact of the matter is, many alternative energy sources are specific to a certain place and are not viable to help the country as a whole. For example, wind energy is great when you see it on paper, but if you have ever driven past a wind farm, you will see that a vast majority of them are not spinning. The reason for this is that there simply is not a demand for that energy yet. People are more suppplied to natural gas and fossil fuels rather than alternative energy simply because there just isnt enough demand for such energy. Untill we can get that demand up, alternative energy in my opinion is a waste of money at this point in time. And they simply have not found out a way to store alternative energy into some battery somewhere where we could use it in the future its just not possible. So alternative energy is just used when it can be used. What we should do is we should drill as much as we can now to help set us up in the future so we can set up these alternative resources to the vast majority of people in our country. We are lucky to live in a state where a majority of our energy come from renewable energy, but 80 percent of the the rest of the country still uses fossil fuels as a majority of there energy.

  7. #3 yes we do live in a state that a majority of our energy comes from renewable energy. And that is great But you have to think of the rest of the united states where a majority of there energy come from non renewable energy sources like coal and natural gas. Its doesnt make sense to say that electric cars are green when a majority of the population get there electricity from non renewable resources.

  8. Well millions of poeple have not benefited from his legislation. If so many people have benefited from his administraion how come unemploymet is at a steady 8 percent. How come we have seen an increase of 1 millin people applying for food stamps. I am thinking about the majority of the poeple, i was just using my family as an example.

  9. Its not only Texas, its 20 other states as well that have a number poele that the White house has to consider them as serious.

  10. I am not talking about the Bush administration, I know his administraion was not the best but i get aggrivated when the Obama Administraion blames all of these problem on Bush, when he is not stepping up and trying to fix it himself. If he plans to go "forward" Obama has to take action for himself and quit blaming others for the problems that he promised to fix and which he still has not fixed in the first place.
