Friday, October 26, 2012

Globalization- should it be regulated or not?

Globalization of a product is something that can change an entire world depending on its effect. In some cases Globalization has been good in bringing countries out of poverty. In other cases, globalization has caused local economies to suffer. It is certain that Globalization comes with some costs, but are they too big to ignore? Should the government regulate globalization?
One of the major costs of Globalization is outsourcing. When a company outsources it jobs, it moves its work overseas, so it can pay people for labor for less than minimum wage. The studies prove this point. For workers who were displaced from their jobs between 2001-2003, it shows that 35% were unemployed in January 2004, and of the 65% who were employed, only 43% earned at least as much as they did before displacement. This is one of the costs of Globalization. Yet some say outsourcing jobs can be positive. Globalization can help big businesses and consumers: prices move lower for consumers and profits rise for corporations. Are the benefits worth the costs? Some may say yes, others no, and it is still being debated in Congress today.

(Outsourcing Harms America- Gale Opposing Viewpoints)

(Outsourcing Benefits America- Gale Opposing Viewpoints),r:4,s:0,i:150


  1. I liked that you asked a lot of questions in your post and the picture was a good addition as well because it goes perfectly with your topic.

  2. Like the topic but work on making your title more appealing so the reader will want to read your opinions. Great content but you could definitely cut it up into smaller paragraphs or even bullet pint it to make your ideas more concise and easier to read. Picture is great and for your sources if it is a database all you have to do it write the name of the database and the name of the article
