This article points out multiple instances in which the current tax code affeccts individuuals who want to start businesses or invest in the market place. The higher taxes proposed by the Obama administration for high income earners are successful in scoring cheap political points with working class voters in battleground states, but what many people fail to realize is that many small businesses are taxes at an individual income tax rate and would be subject to tax increases along with welathy individuals. There is absolutley no way to suggest that small businesses will be more inclined to higher workers if their income tax rates go from 35% to 41%. The article also talks about how government intervention plays a role in the economy. In the 2009 auto bailout of the auto industry repubicans argued that auto makers should go through bankrupcy restructuring. Democrats have no claimed that they saved the auto industry, however, they did so by allowing auto makers to go through a structured bankrupcy process just as republicans had suggested. "Letting Detroit go Bankrupt" doesn't mean that the companies should go out of business and every employee should lose their job, it means that the company should restrucure and seek protection from their debts in order to endsure the profitability in the future.
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