So what is there to be learned from this? I think this example shows that it is apparent that deregulation bolsters competition and drives prices down, which is great. Competition and good prices are a more effective way of improving markets, or at least the energy markets. However when markets are only partially deregulated it allows for companies like Enron to "game the system" and manipulate advantages for themselves and create profit squeezes. My point is that you can not have a market such as electricity being partially deregulated. This is a small step towards forwarding my goal at discovering the proper amount of regulation, but this example is eye opening.
In its paradox, this event has also shed light on how something needs to be done to prevent fraudulent accounting methods that were demonstrated by Enron accountant Andrew Fastow. As well as better overseeing done by the Internal Revenue Service.
What do you think should be done to prevent these types of things from happening again?
I think your post might be a little bit too general. Although it seems you are just putting yourself in a good position for future blog posts, each post should really focus on one topic. Perhaps you could have talked more about that accountant from Enron.