Thursday, November 15, 2012

Synthesis and Plan

Brett Goss
Blog post

                                    Synthesis & Plan
As of late I have opened many doors in the realm of regulation. These doors, so to speak, have lead me into the vast concept of regulation. In a previous blog post I spoke of the idea of placing regulation on a spectrum, I have been researching with the hope of traveling through the entirety of this spectrum.
A big idea that is sharply contested by partisans in the U.S. is how much the government should intervene in the marketplace. What methods work better in a Capital economy to promote growth and prosperity? There is viable reasoning from both sides yet as I progress my research I will inevitably travel more to one side than the other.
The morality card is played quite a bit as well and has presented itself as a very prominent concept in the world of regulation. Partisans constantly question the moral principles of their opponents when debating legislation. So another theme/idea that is present is not only what works more successfully, but what is more morally acceptable, Big Government or free markets? This idea is extremely interesting, and one's opinion of this idea may seal him to one side or the other.
However I still search for the answer to the question: What is the perfect amount of government regulation to grow an economy? Perhaps the answer lay neither with the libertarians nor the Big Government advocates. The answer to my question may lay on an area in the spectrum which differs from the former.

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