Thursday, November 8, 2012

Obama Administration Pushed the Energy Bill

New Study Finds Geothermal Energy the Most Efficient Renewable Energy Alternative and Improving the Fastest.
Global Issues in Context

Obama's administration has passed the energy bill in 2009 through the house, government and companies are accessing renewable energy, to inform consumers which are the most efficient renewable energy.  In this article it has been proved that the most efficient energy is geothermal. A new study from NYU states that geothermal energy and wind energy are, "Yielding greater returns on the R&D invested in them, than most other renewable energy alternatives." This means that consumers are getting a lot out of there in investment. In the long run they will save money and be helping the environment. 
Do you believe the energy bill is going to impact the environment in a positive way, and do you think it will help the economy? 

1 comment:

  1. Its obvious that the energy bill will help the environment but to say that it will help the economy i think is false. In order for it to be beneficial to the economy, we would have to find an efficient and cost efficient way of making geothermanl avaiable to the country. The reason that oil and coal is so cost efficient is that it is available virtually anywhere in our country and widely avaible to the vast majority of the united states which i think that geothermal fails at. Coming from a government where up to 80% of our country is run on fossil fuels is hard for energy like geothermal to thrive. I am all for alternative energy, but i think it is only a viable resource when it is widely avaialble to the public like oil and coal is.
