Friday, November 16, 2012

Spending Money by the Pound

Should We Put A Price On Carbon?

I would say Carbon Tax is a pretty touchy subject for a lot of companies.  It's because of the fact that either way we go, the the environment still gets hurt.  So what I'm arguing is that why wouldn't we put a price on Carbon?  It would slow the use of it thus creating less pollution in the world.

Carbon is one of the most emitted gasses in the world.  And if it keeps getting more and more into our air, it's going to create an even bigger problem with global warming than what we already have.

We can stop this.  How? By taxing the Carbon.

"As carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere soar towards levels defined by scientists as ‘dangerous’ it has become apparent that traditional mitigation approaches might not be enough to ensure a stable climate and healthy oceans over this century.  Increasingly, the concept of negative emissions—activities that go beyond ‘zero carbon’ by actively removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it permanently on a globally significant scale—has become integral to strategies which aim to ensure that humans avoid causing dangerous climate change" -Nigel Moore.  In a nutshell, Nigel is basically saying that we won't be able to handle more carbon emissions soon enough.  It will devastate everyone globally.
My question for the readers, should Carbon be taxed?
-Authority: Nigel Moore

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