Africa has a ton of natural resources. Why are they so poor when Japan has almost no natural resources and is very rich?
African Resources: oil, diamonds, gold, iron, cobalt, uranium, copper, bauxite, silver, petroleum, but also woods and tropical fruits
Why are they not selling this?
-William Easterly is Professor of Economics at New York University, and co-director of its Development Research Institute.
“Western media and celebrity activists portray Africa stereotypically, mired in helpless destitution, when in fact the continent is making economic and social strides. While many African countries are still very poor, markers such as rises in gross domestic product, as well as cell phone and Internet use, should be celebrated and encouraged. Those who want to help Africa should consume more African goods and create less negative propaganda”
-basically states that Africa has goods to sell but Westerners keep focusing on the negative of their continent
Africa through history
-Since the beginning of civilization Africa has been pointed too as the different one
-countries use up resources and do not help africa at all
-Ex: Dutch held control of a country in Africa, Rwanda, when left turmoil ensued because of the corruption
-Europeans created an image of Africa that was the perverse opposite of Europe's - its mirror image
-Abolitionists argued that Africa was a place of suffering because the slave trade provoked war, disease, famine and poverty
-Anti-Abolitionists argued Africa was such an awful place that becoming a slave seemed like escape
-Either way, Africa was full of 'savagery' and constant war
"What man or nation has ever become rich by holding out a begging bowl?”
Source: Opposing Viewpoints; Africa Through Western Eyes - The World's Dark Continent or Capitalism's Shining Light? and Opposing Viewpoints; Africa Needs Trade More Than Aid
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