Friday, November 16, 2012

Mandated Healthcare Insurance is Constitutional

With the recent signing of Obamacare, many people argue whether government provided health insurance is constitutional. Republicans say that it is unconstitutional and the government is overstepping its boundaries. The Democrats say that it is constitutional and is necessary for the aid of the working class people.

The truth sides with the Democrats. Government provided health insurance is not unconstitutional. When Republicans argue that the individual mandate is just a tax, they are incorrect. Saying that an individual mandate applies solely to the individual is false. The mandate applies to everyone. Also many Republicans claim the money taxed for the mandate is just a tax for the government. Not necessarily true, it is given to private insurance companies.

For these reasons, claiming that it is unconstitutional is based on misleading information and untrue. As a nation we need to start caring for one another and realizing that the benefits of government provided health insurance are greater than the costs.

Is the mandated health insurance good or bad for America?

A Government Mandate to Buy Health Insurance Is Constitutional (Gale Opposing Viewpoints) 

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