Friday, September 28, 2012

Why can't everyone be rich?

Why I am researching this is because I want to find out the reasoning why there isn't as much financial equality as there should be in the world. Also it seems like a lot of people hope for total financial equality but it seems impossible to achieve.

What I already know is that it is very hard to get financial equality because there are always certain jobs that people will not want to do. I also know that with the way our current economies/taxes/monetary systems are set up it further prevents all financial classes to be equal.


  1. How does the way or economies/taxes/monetary system prevent all financial classes to be equal?

  2. if every ones rich wouldnt no one be rich?

  3. Is it possible to find a middle ground so that everyone is "rich" and what economic system would we need to use?
    What makes a person rich?
    Do the rich deserve to keep their money or should they be forced to give some specific amount away to the poor?
    Does this idea move towards socialism?
    What is socialism?
    Is it in the governments power to force the rich to even out the economy? (i.e. is it constitutional)

  4. How do you define equality (income, salary, wealth, being taxed equally, etc.)?

  5. Which presidential candidate better represents equality?
