Sunday, September 30, 2012

How is being environmentally friendly beneficial for businesses and an economy?

Why are you passionate?

Environmentalism and sustainability, are interesting topics. I have visited places that have lax regulations and a serious problem with environmental degradation, and places where economies thrive on Eco-tourism. I want to know what choices those countries made, and the ensuing consequences. Also I want to learn about companies that invest in being "green" and how it is better for them in the long run, or if they can make more money not being eco-friendly in the short run.

What do you know?

I know about countries that have stress environmentalism mainly for tourism and they seem to be doing well. They make money off eco-tourism. but is that good for everyone in that country?

Companies that have "gone green" it improves their image makes them more appealing to the consumer. I also believe that it saves them money in the long run because often in theory attempting to be sustainable should cut down on expensive things like heating, cooling, waste management, and other costs.


  1. How much more expensive is it to be environmentally friendly

  2. How do you define being environmentally friendly?

  3. What do you mean by eco-tourism?

  4. How much better is it for the environment and the people living there?

  5. Is being environmentally friendly dependent on the government or private businesses?

  6. What steps do you plan to take in order to be more environmentally friendly?

  7. Does the the decision to be environmentally friendly depend on what business the economy is most based off of.

  8. What could hotels do to be more eco- friendly would out costing a lot?

  9. Which countries are currently environmentally friendly?

  10. How long would it take to break even with renewable energy?

  11. How many countries are already considered environmentally friendly.

  12. How much money would businesses lose by going "green"

  13. Should we tax those who aren't being environmentally friendly?

  14. Who would actually be benefiting the most from the decision to be environmentally friendly?
