Friday, September 28, 2012

How do rich countries become and stay rich?

What I know:
-they tend to be rich with resources as well
-have military dominance
-need a flourishing trade
-U.S. China Britain Japan
-communism (in Russia) often stops wealth from coming in but China was able to use capitalism to become rich
-freedom seems to help
-turmoil in country tends to lead to less money
Why I want to learn about it:
-Africa has many resources but cannot become rich
-Russia is still struggling and is a huge country
-Japan has almost no resources and is very small yet somehow they become rich
-richest country in the world uses oil to stay rich


  1. Does globalization help or hurt the growing countries' economies?

  2. Does free trade benefit or hurt growing economies?

  3. does corruption play a role in the wealth of a country?

  4. how can countries like japan be rich with out many natural resources?

  5. what economic policy creates the most rich nations?

  6. Do you have to have a powerful government to become rich?
