Friday, September 28, 2012

Is it possible to continue economic growth while minimally damaging the environment?

I already know that economic growth, mostly due to globalization, has been detrimental to the environment.  As more businesses and factories continue to grow, pollution has increased at unbelievable levels.  This has increased the rate of environmental degradation and climate change, therefore increasing the frequency of natural disasters and extreme weather. The environment can only withstand so much destruction, and I believe economic growth is pushing the capacity of the environment to absorb pollution to the edge.  I want to research this topic because I have always been very conscious of my carbon footprint and would like businesses and governments to do the same.  We can’t just get a “new earth” or get back extinct species, and it would be interesting to see if we can still grow economically while preserving the environment.


  1. how much pollution are globalized companies actually making?

    Why has pollution actually increased......population

    Where does most of the worlds pollution come from, what are the biggest contributors to pollution.

    shouldn;t the government take action in globalized country.... like brazils government should say they can't cut down trees, not the companies fault that workers are cutting down trees, if they dont cut them down someone will. it should be on the government to control what is allowed in that country....Ex: you can kill some sort of birds in the U.S....GOVERNMENT REGULATION

    Are natural diseasters related to the pollution... has there ever been this many natural disasters in the past

    what other option is there to preserve the world
    and how could it be done

  2. How does government refulation determine how much polution is acceptable?

    Why do less developed nations allow more pollution?

    How does the Enviornmental Protection Agency affect business decisions in the United States?

  3. If we can't preserve the earth, how else can we have a globally systematic economy?

  4. Is limiting globalization going to help the economy in the long run?
    How does the current rate of extinction compare to the rate before 1950 (before the explosion of globalization)?
    Is there any way to make the world conform to certain pollution standards?
    How will investing in green energy help our country's economy grow?
    How can the world economy continue to grow with more regulations and taxes in place?
    What taxes could countries' impose to decrease the amount of pollution and environmental degradation?
    How could poor countries benefit and still grow from more regulations regarding the environment?
