Sunday, September 30, 2012
How is being environmentally friendly beneficial for businesses and an economy?
Why are you passionate?
Environmentalism and sustainability, are interesting topics. I have visited places that have lax regulations and a serious problem with environmental degradation, and places where economies thrive on Eco-tourism. I want to know what choices those countries made, and the ensuing consequences. Also I want to learn about companies that invest in being "green" and how it is better for them in the long run, or if they can make more money not being eco-friendly in the short run.
What do you know?
I know about countries that have stress environmentalism mainly for tourism and they seem to be doing well. They make money off eco-tourism. but is that good for everyone in that country?
Companies that have "gone green" it improves their image makes them more appealing to the consumer. I also believe that it saves them money in the long run because often in theory attempting to be sustainable should cut down on expensive things like heating, cooling, waste management, and other costs.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Why is solar energy so expensive?
This topic interests me, because I want to become an architect. When I am creating buildings I would like to use materials and resources that are eco- friendly. I am pro green, and I would like to create less pollution. But, I wonder why they make solar energy so expensive, and I wonder how long it is going to take to make it accessible to everybody.
I know that not everybody could afford solar energy, and that the common person does not have it yet. I also know it is a great way to help the environment and save money at the long term.
I know that not everybody could afford solar energy, and that the common person does not have it yet. I also know it is a great way to help the environment and save money at the long term.
How can we end poverty?
I'm passionate about this because I've always had a desire to help people. I have a passion for human rights and peacemaking, and consider myself a caring person. The wealth gap between countries makes me very angry and I don't think we should have certain "first-world" countries as super-powers, while others can't even find clean water.
I know that poverty is a very difficult thing to end because of the massive wealth gap. There's a huge debate on whether or not the government should assist poorer countries and to what extent. There's also a debate on how we can end poverty and help out other countries without invading and demolishing their cultures.
I know that poverty is a very difficult thing to end because of the massive wealth gap. There's a huge debate on whether or not the government should assist poorer countries and to what extent. There's also a debate on how we can end poverty and help out other countries without invading and demolishing their cultures.
How does the government affect the environment
I am passionate about how the government affects the environment because it is necessary for everyone to be aware of the renewable energy the government is planning to employ in order to allow further preservation of our future, from the preservation of our forests to the skies. There are many things the government could do to help the environment, although they may not be the most beneficial to the economy, especially in its fragile state currently.
The government is putting money into renewable energy all the time, however it may not be much energy generated compared to the amount necessary to eliminate and substantially reduce the need for fossil fuels. There are many other things the government may, or must have to do in order to limit the amount of CO2 that goes into the environment; one example is the carbon tax. Moreover, renewable energy is an important factor to each countries pollution. Renewable energy is not cheap and is a very long term investment, which means that it is difficult to institute more renewable energy in the government, although it is more beneficial in the future than it would be if we continue to use fossil fuels.
The government is putting money into renewable energy all the time, however it may not be much energy generated compared to the amount necessary to eliminate and substantially reduce the need for fossil fuels. There are many other things the government may, or must have to do in order to limit the amount of CO2 that goes into the environment; one example is the carbon tax. Moreover, renewable energy is an important factor to each countries pollution. Renewable energy is not cheap and is a very long term investment, which means that it is difficult to institute more renewable energy in the government, although it is more beneficial in the future than it would be if we continue to use fossil fuels.
Why is the U.S debt so large and how do we fix it?
I know that our economy is doing awful at the moment and I am aware that we have a 15 trillion dollar debt. I want to learn if it is even possible to fix the debt, where 15 trillion dollars went, and why did this happen. How could the most powerful country in the world economically collapse.
Taxes and Government
1. I am passionate about this topic because I see that that the United States government is making decisions that can have a significant impact on the lives of all Americans for generations to come. I think that it's important to have the facts to make a decision as to how the government should help the economy grow .
2. I know that currently the federal government is growing at a rate in which it never has before. After the recession of 2008 the federal government took dramatic moves to save the economy from depression, however, increased government regulation in the economy is hindering job creation and investment among businesses who are sitting on billions of dollars in cash assets without the confidence to invest.
2. I know that currently the federal government is growing at a rate in which it never has before. After the recession of 2008 the federal government took dramatic moves to save the economy from depression, however, increased government regulation in the economy is hindering job creation and investment among businesses who are sitting on billions of dollars in cash assets without the confidence to invest.
How much control does the government have over the economy?
Question: How much control does the government have over the economy?
1.) As of now, I don’t know much at all about this topic. However, I have always been a little curious about the topic because my brother and my dad have conversations about it a lot and I always wish I could get involved.
2.) The government (as in congress and the president) does not have total control over the economy at all, but they do have many ways to try to manipulate it. The economy can only truly be controlled by the people. The government has many ways of attempting to keep the economy healthy, but the truth is that none of these things are for sure. For example, the government can impose tax cuts and control where the money goes, but they can never be sure that it will work. Sometimes the government can temporarily solve problems with the economy. But sometimes, these solutions just cause inflation which causes more problems in the long run.
1.) As of now, I don’t know much at all about this topic. However, I have always been a little curious about the topic because my brother and my dad have conversations about it a lot and I always wish I could get involved.
2.) The government (as in congress and the president) does not have total control over the economy at all, but they do have many ways to try to manipulate it. The economy can only truly be controlled by the people. The government has many ways of attempting to keep the economy healthy, but the truth is that none of these things are for sure. For example, the government can impose tax cuts and control where the money goes, but they can never be sure that it will work. Sometimes the government can temporarily solve problems with the economy. But sometimes, these solutions just cause inflation which causes more problems in the long run.
Is it possible to continue economic growth while minimally damaging the environment?
I already know that economic growth, mostly due to globalization, has been detrimental to the environment. As more businesses and factories continue to grow, pollution has increased at unbelievable levels. This has increased the rate of environmental degradation and climate change, therefore increasing the frequency of natural disasters and extreme weather. The environment can only withstand so much destruction, and I believe economic growth is pushing the capacity of the environment to absorb pollution to the edge. I want to research this topic because I have always been very conscious of my carbon footprint and would like businesses and governments to do the same. We can’t just get a “new earth” or get back extinct species, and it would be interesting to see if we can still grow economically while preserving the environment.
Is capitalizam good or bad?
I am researching this topic because I am curious of the positives and negative of a capitalist based economy. Also what other economic systems are out their, what are their benefits, and over all which one is the best?
I do not know much on this topic other than american is capitalist country, and the system is based on a free market.
I do not know much on this topic other than american is capitalist country, and the system is based on a free market.
Can We Have Economic Growth While Still Preserving the Environment?
1. I am passionate about this topic because I believe preserving the environment can positively impact our economy. It not only saves the Earth, it also saves our government.
2. I do know that some companies think it's okay to hurt our environment in order to save their businesses. They cut down trees in order to build their new buildings, while there are so many other open lots to use that are going to waste.
2. I do know that some companies think it's okay to hurt our environment in order to save their businesses. They cut down trees in order to build their new buildings, while there are so many other open lots to use that are going to waste.
What role should the government play in the economy?
I chose this topic because this directly affects my life, since my parents income is from owning small business. The actions by the government can hurt or help by parent's business, which affects my life, since they provide me with the opportunity to go to college.
What I know about this topic is that one political side, Republicans, believe in a regressive tax structure, cutting business regulations, and that the government should not provide free services. The other political side, Democrats, believe in a progressive tax structure, more business regulation, and the government should provide free services. Both of these ideals have facts and historical evidence behind them, and it is hard to find out what I believe in.
What I know about this topic is that one political side, Republicans, believe in a regressive tax structure, cutting business regulations, and that the government should not provide free services. The other political side, Democrats, believe in a progressive tax structure, more business regulation, and the government should provide free services. Both of these ideals have facts and historical evidence behind them, and it is hard to find out what I believe in.
What impact does the US recession have on the rest of the world?
1. Why are you studying this topic?
I want to know more about how the US Recession relates to the Euro Crisis and vise versa also, I think it would be interesting to find a possible solution to the US recession and thus make the rest of the world better off.
2. What do you already know about this topic?
When the US went into a recession the European Union's economy started plummeting along with the rest of the world in certain industries.
I want to know more about how the US Recession relates to the Euro Crisis and vise versa also, I think it would be interesting to find a possible solution to the US recession and thus make the rest of the world better off.
2. What do you already know about this topic?
When the US went into a recession the European Union's economy started plummeting along with the rest of the world in certain industries.
International Relations with oil
I am studying this topic because i am very interested in pursuing a career in the oil industry and i really want to know why the gas prices are so high and how we deal with the middle east for oil. It effects me every week when i have to fill up my car for gas and it just seems ridiculous when gas prices are at an all time high and when ask Why they are so high, there is never an explanation
I dont know much about international relations about oil, but i do know that the united states could be self sufficient for oil on our own because there are many untapped oil reserves throughout the country including the Dakota Areas. WE are not going to run out of oil because there are massive oil reserves in Alask that we are saving when we get to that point and that point isn't going to be for a while.
I dont know much about international relations about oil, but i do know that the united states could be self sufficient for oil on our own because there are many untapped oil reserves throughout the country including the Dakota Areas. WE are not going to run out of oil because there are massive oil reserves in Alask that we are saving when we get to that point and that point isn't going to be for a while.
How do rich countries become and stay rich?
What I know:
-they tend to be rich with resources as well
-have military dominance
-need a flourishing trade
-U.S. China Britain Japan
-communism (in Russia) often stops wealth from coming in but China was able to use capitalism to become rich
-freedom seems to help
-turmoil in country tends to lead to less money
Why I want to learn about it:
-Africa has many resources but cannot become rich
-Russia is still struggling and is a huge country
-Japan has almost no resources and is very small yet somehow they become rich
-richest country in the world uses oil to stay rich
-they tend to be rich with resources as well
-have military dominance
-need a flourishing trade
-U.S. China Britain Japan
-communism (in Russia) often stops wealth from coming in but China was able to use capitalism to become rich
-freedom seems to help
-turmoil in country tends to lead to less money
Why I want to learn about it:
-Africa has many resources but cannot become rich
-Russia is still struggling and is a huge country
-Japan has almost no resources and is very small yet somehow they become rich
-richest country in the world uses oil to stay rich
How can investing in clean renewable energy affect our economy?
Why I'm studying?
I am interested in the future of our economy and our plans for success. Right now, I feel that there is to little government interest in it right now and too much interest in oil. From the research I have done, I feel that there are great opportunities for America in clean energy that are sustainable. I also am interested in the different ways science has come up with to produce clean energy. To me, this is a very important issue for America and a great opportunity it may be passing up.
What I know?
So far, I know that there are numerous ways to produce clean energy. Right now, America has large investments in foreign oil. This has already created major problems for us, yet there still seems to be little government interest in the area. However, with technology improving, science is begging to force the government to invest little bits at a time into clean energy. Already there are wind farms, solar panels, and geothermic energy being used.
I am interested in the future of our economy and our plans for success. Right now, I feel that there is to little government interest in it right now and too much interest in oil. From the research I have done, I feel that there are great opportunities for America in clean energy that are sustainable. I also am interested in the different ways science has come up with to produce clean energy. To me, this is a very important issue for America and a great opportunity it may be passing up.
What I know?
So far, I know that there are numerous ways to produce clean energy. Right now, America has large investments in foreign oil. This has already created major problems for us, yet there still seems to be little government interest in the area. However, with technology improving, science is begging to force the government to invest little bits at a time into clean energy. Already there are wind farms, solar panels, and geothermic energy being used.
In which ways does global warming affect America’s economy. And do we have a plan to keep our economy stable as global warming increases?
I am passionate about this topic because sustaining the environment is very important to me.
I know a lot about global warming and what it is doing to the planet, and why it it is not benefiting us. I also know that we are barley making the change we need to make to sustain what we have left.
I know a lot about global warming and what it is doing to the planet, and why it it is not benefiting us. I also know that we are barley making the change we need to make to sustain what we have left.
Why can't everyone be rich?
Why I am researching this is because I want to find out the reasoning why there isn't as much financial equality as there should be in the world. Also it seems like a lot of people hope for total financial equality but it seems impossible to achieve.
What I already know is that it is very hard to get financial equality because there are always certain jobs that people will not want to do. I also know that with the way our current economies/taxes/monetary systems are set up it further prevents all financial classes to be equal.
What I already know is that it is very hard to get financial equality because there are always certain jobs that people will not want to do. I also know that with the way our current economies/taxes/monetary systems are set up it further prevents all financial classes to be equal.
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