Sunday, January 6, 2013

How rich is rich?

     When I was looking through my research and other blogs I felt as if I had left out one of the bigger and more controversial topics of the international wealth divide and that would be, how rich is rich? Now I know that that sounds like a tounge twiter and a question that people could argue about for days on end, but to be blunt it is not that difficult to figure out.

     The answer to all of your questions is rich is however wealthy you feel it is. In more depth this means that being rich isn't defined by an exact number (although being poor is) but by what amount or level of wealth makes you feel comfortable to stop working. That is what is defined commonly as being rich. In the article I read it says that retirement savings is the basis for defining richness, but the author warns not to confuse income with wealth. He states that someone making $1 million a year but spending 3/4 is not rich. The quote that best sums this up is "Income relates to lifestyle," he said. "Wealth relates to balance sheets.".

    I found this article in the money section of so being from a national news agency it can be assumed that the information and ideas in the article are legitament and reliable. As for relevance this article was not from too long ago and even so I feel that no matter what the date an article on this topic could carry over for years to come. 

    Now I want everyone to ask themselves this, what do you feel the monetary value of being rich is? or is there even a value?

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