Monday, January 7, 2013

Capitalism in America

Do to human nature pure capitalism like pure socialism is only a myth that economist can mere dream of.  In american are free market is contained by a framework of laws and regulations.  Americas political system is split on how to direct are economic system; democrats like Obama are pushing for a less extreme capitalist system with things like welfare; as for republicans like Romney are pushing for more extreme capitalism that includes more out sourcing.

A good capitalist system is determined by the infrastructure its built on. Economist today debate if or how america should change their infrastructure.  People like "Allan Meltzer, a conservative professor of political economy at Carnegie Mellon University" believe Americas system should be left alone and is adequate as is. On the other hand their are people like Edward Conard that claim that their was no credit bubble, that this boom then burst was a good thing, and that we need "more income inequality"

I found this articular to be fill with a bunch of god non-bias information.  I believe the Washington post is a creditable source.

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